Glosa Wiki
Interlingue (Occidental)
Krea-pe: Edgar de Wahl
Anua de krea: 1922
Famili: Ge-face lingua
Ofice stato
Ge-regula ex:
Plu kodi
ISO 639-1: ie
ISO 639-2: ile
ISO 639-3: [1]
SIL: [2]
Vide plus: Lingua

Interlingue (ge-nomina Occidental inter 1922 e 1949) es un internatio auxi-lingua (alo auxlang); qi pa gene face ex Edgar de Wahl in 1922.



De Wahl pa deklara an lingua in u jurnali Kosmoglott in 1922, e u-ci es to un akti de Occidental pote gene vide. Anti-co, de Wahl pa komence krea u lingua longi pre u-ci. Inter 1906 e 1921, an pa komence experimenta kon an idio lingua, e id pa muta mega. In u-la tem id pa gene nomina Auli alo auxiliary language. Un altere nomina pro Auli es proto-Occidental.[1]

Kron de Wahl pa deklara an lingua in 1922, id pa proxi ge-fini ma ne a-nu.[2][3] An pa volu atende poko ma tem, ma in 1921 un Akorda de Plu Natio pa recerka un idea de un inter-natio lingua. Plus, De Wahl pa mite u grama e pa cepti u sura reakti ex un Akorda de Plu Natio in meno nona 1921.[4]

Pe pa komence uti Occidental ka id pa es facili te lekto e logi, klu minus gramatika e diktionaria.[5]

Kosmoglott pa muta id nomina a Cosmoglotta tem 1927 e pa komence promoti Occidental supra plu hetero lingua. Tem M1 de homo anua, mu pa move un buro de Cosmoglotta a Wien in un area MAuer (nu-di mero de Liesing).[6][7] U-ci pa auxi Occidental sti profito duranto u-ci eva ka u buro pa es in u centra loka. Engelbert Pigal ex Austria, plus, pa auxi kon an artikla Li Ovre de Edgar de Wahl (U ergo de Edgar de Wahl), qi pa sti kredi plu uti-pe de Ido te uti Occidental.[7] Tem tosto 1930, plu pe pa du uti Occidental in Deutschland, Osterreich, Sverige, Československo, Helvetia e ma recento in France.[8]



Interlingue gene grafo ko 26 litera: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, e z. Plu nomina de plu litera es a, be, ce, de, e, ef, ge, ha, i, jot, ka, el, em, en, o, pe, qu, er, es, te, u, ve, duplic ve, ix, ypsilon, and zet.[9] Emfasi gene grafo epi penta vokali pro indika no-regula tensio, kon un akidi emfasi (á é í ó ú), sed hetero (è, ê, et cetera) gene permito.


Glosa Subjekti Objekti Proprie Proprie decide-verba
mi yo me mei mi
tu tu te tui tu
an il le sui su
fe ella la
id it
na noi nos nostri nor
vi vu vos vestri vor
an-mu illos los lor lor
fe-mu ellas
mu ili


Simpli akti-verba tem
Forma Interlingue England-lingua Notas
Infinitiva ar / er / ir amar / decider / scrir to love / to decide / to write
Nu-tem a / e / i yo ama / decide / scri I love / decide / write
Pa-tem -t yo amat / decidet / scrit I loved / decided / wrote stresa kade in un ultima silabi: amat
Fu-tem va + inf. yo va amar / decider / scrir I will (shall) love / decide / write va solo ne es un akti-verba (ki = ear alo vader)
Konditio vell + inf. yo vell amar / decider / scrir I would love / decide / write Plus, ge-uti pro reporta: Un acusation secun quel il vell har esset... - Un akusa qi alega ke an sio pa es...

(lit. an accusation according to which he would have been...)

Komanda a! / e! / i! ama! / decide! / scri! love! / decide! / write! Komanda de esser es esse.
Kompositi akti-verba tem
Forma Interlingue England-lingua Notas
Perfekti ha + t yo ha amat / decidet / scrit I have loved / decided / written ha solo ne es un akti-verba (habe = haver)
Plus-perfekti hat + t yo hat amat / decidet / scrit I had loved / decided / written
Perfekti fu-tem va har + t yo va har amat / decidet / scrit I will (shall) have loved / decided / written
Perfekti konditio vell har + t yo vell har amat / decidet / scrit I would have loved / decided / written
Fu-tem in pa-tem vat + inf. yo vat amar / decider / scrir I was going to love / to decide / to write
Petitio ples + inf. ples amar! / decider! / scrir! please love! / please / write!
Exhorta lass + inf. lass nos amar! / decider! / scrir! let's love! / decide! / write!
Opti mey + inf. yo mey amar / decider / scrir May I love / decide / write Solo un homo iso England-lingua may in u opti atitude (iso in "May his days be long" alo "May the Force be with you", no "I may or may not go").
Nu-tem participla -nt amant / decident / scrient loving / deciding / writing -ir akti-verba gene -ient
Adverba participla -nte amante / decidente / scriente (while) loving / deciding / writing -ir akti-verba gene -iente


Qestio Monstra Non-defini Negativi Zero indika Totali
Qantita quant tant alquant nequant quantcunc totmen
Tem quande tande alquande nequande quandecunc sempre
Loka u? ta, ci alcú necú úcunc partú
Pe qui ti alqui nequi quicunc omni
Kosa quo to alquo nequo quocunc omno
Pe e kosa quel tel alquel nequel quelcunc chascun
Qalita qual tal alqual nequal qualcunc
Mode quam tam alquam nequam quamcunc


U cefa literatura textu in Interlingue pa apare in Cosmoglotta. Ci pe pote trova plu textu, plu altera textu es in u jurnali Helvetia e plu altera textu pa gene publika is bibli.

Plu periodi[]

U literatura in Interlingue pote gene divide in tetra periodi:

  • Periodi mo: Inter 1921 e 1927
  • Wien periodi: Inter 1927 e 1949
  • Periodi de no-akti: Inter 1950 e 1999
  • Re-vive in inter-rete ab 1999

Plu autori[]

Plu autori de literatura in Glosa es:

  • Pa-tem
    • Jan Amos Kajš
    • Jaroslav Podobský
    • Engelbert Pigal
    • Abram Kofman
    • A.E. Cortinas
    • Ilmari Federn
  • Nu-di
    • Thomas Schmidt
    • Dorlota Burdon
    • Vicente Costalago


  1. Cosmoglotta B, 1945, p. 8.
  2. Kosmoglott, 1925, p.40. “Translation: "I found the most precise sense of "-atu" for example no earlier than 1924...maybe with time I will also find the precise sense of "-il, -esc, -itudo", etc."”
  3. Cosmoglotta B, 1947, p. 15.
  4. Kosmoglott 001, 1922, p. 4.
  5. Kosmoglott, 1925, p.7.
  6. Cosmoglotta, 1927, p. 1.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Cosmoglotta A, 1947, p. 17.
  8. Helvetia, January 1930. “"...Occ. esset unesimli propagat per Germanes, Austrianes, Svedes, Tchecoslovacos e solmen ante du annus ha penetrat in Francia."”
  9. Grammatica de Interlingue in English, F. Haas 1956.

Extra kopula[]
